Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Style 101: Introduction


I know what you're probably thinking...yet another fashion blog? Believe it or not, this is my third attempt creating a blog-but they say third time's a charm right? I wanted to create something beyond the usual "dress up in ultra chic outfits and take pictures" type of blog. And that's where Jayda's Style Handbook came about. I wanted to create a fashion guide for women of all sizes and shapes who dress in totally different styles. Jayda's Style Handbook will include How-To segments, looks for less, basic style necessities and fashion guidelines for various occasions and environments. At this point you're probably wondering what makes me the style expert-well I'm definitely not but I do have a knack for fashion and spotting out trends. I hope you guys enjoy my blog! I'm excited to share some of my personal fashion favorites!



1 comment:

  1. Omg you sure do have a knack for fashion and spotting out trends. I can't wait because I could use some fashion help!
